Grupa NLP G4.19 Apps

WordNet - Offline Dictionary 1.2
Mobile plWordNet is used to browse PolishWordnet and Princeton Wordnet. It provides Thesaurus, descriptionof the semantic relations between words, definitions of meaning. Itis a part of Słowosieć project. Application allows searching wordsand also following the word connections. All words are connected byten types of relations. You can browse two dictionaries: PolishSłowosieć and Princeton Wordnet.Mobile plWordNet can be used OFFLINE but it is necessary todownload database. It is recommended to have the newest version ofdatabase (app provides updates). It requires 85MB of data to bedownloaded and 223MB after unpacking on your device.NOTE! Database for Mobile plWordNet is quite big, we suggestusing stable connection (like WiFi)!Some statistics: version : homepage: description:Wordnet is the biggest Polish wordnet. A wordnet is a semanticnetwork, whose nodes are lexical units, while threads connectingthe whole - semantic relations between lexical units. Thosesemantic relations are for instancehypernymy/hyponymy = a relation which links a word of a moregeneral meaning (kot – 'cat') with a word of a more specificmeaning (tygrys – 'tiger') (every tiger belongs to the felinefamily); meronymy/holonymy = a relation denoting a part and awhole, e.g. zderzak - 'bumper' – samochód - 'car' (cars havebumpers); antonymy - a relation of the semantic opposition, e.g.wejść – 'enter' – wyjść - 'leave', żonaty – 'married' – kawaler-'bachelor' (a detailed list of lexical relations is given here[link]. Lexical units which enter the same lexico-semanticrelations (but not the same derivational relations) are treated assynonyms and linked into synsets that is synonym sets.The first ever wordnet (WordNet) was built in 1980s at PrincetonUniversity. Since that time hundreds of research teams have startedthe construction of wordnets for different languages, and amongthem our Languages Technologies Research Group G.4.19 at WrocławUniversity of Technology. In 2009 the first version of plWordNetwas made available on the Internet. Similarly to its predecessor –Princeton WordNet – the current 2.0 version of plWordNet isavailable on the open licence